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IT solution for reusable shipping packaging

  • Box-genaues Impact-Tracking 

  • B2C-Webshop-Integration mit pfandfreiem, 98% effektivem Rückgabeanreiz

  • B2B Bestands- und Partnerverwaltung

  • Plug and Play

That's how customers choose reusable packaging in your webshop:

Do you have questions?

  • Reusable shipping optional

  • Reusable packaging is added to the order in a clearly visible way

  • Information about costs and return period

  • Link to terms and conditions and contract of use

Ein Onlineshop bietet im Check-out direkt die Mehrweg-Versandverpackung von hey circle als umweltschonende Versandmethode an.
hey circle achieves 98% return rate
How does the number of reusable packaging items in circulation change depending on the return rate?

Downstream deposit for as many rounds as possible

  • Good for conversion - no additional costs at checkout

  • Fast turnaround thanks to the return period

  • 98% return rate due to high deposit

Less than 98% of boxes and bags are returned by end customers without a downstream deposit system. A low deposit that is payed in advance is not as effective as an incentive to return items.

Example: With a return rate of 70%, only 10 of the initial 100 boxes are still in circulation after 7 rounds.

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